Biodanza is a poetry of the human encounter,

that allows the expression of identity and the pleasure of living.
Man is not designed to live on his own.

What kind of dance is Biodanza® close to? None !

On what kind of music do you dance ? All of them !

This kind of answer usually leaves people who ask questions a bit puzzled.
It is true it can be disconcerting.

While Biodanza® was created a while ago, it is quite revolutionary and adapted to a time of change: it puts Life at the center of all we do and takes its roots in movement, music and encounter.

Biodanza® offers the opportunity to open our eyes and our hearts to the world. If we allow Life to guide us, what else can we see than Life in its fullness ? Who forces us to focus on the rough patches of Life ? No one ! Let us choose to illuminate the good side of our humanity, while not rejecting the dark one, for it has its place in the whole.


Biodanza® offers the opportunity to experiment our capacity to develop human connections harmoniously and also to grown individually. It invites everyone to connect again to the joy of living, to discover the other through the encounter and to open to the pleasure of expressing or discovering our own unique talents, which might have been repressed.